
La COP21 certifiée ISO 20121 par Bureau Veritas Certification

10 déc. 2015

For the first time ever, a State and UN Climate Conference is ISO 20121 certified. It is a unique experience shared by Bureau Veritas Certification

In the presence of Ségolène Royal, the French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy received, Pierre-Henri Guignard, COP 21 chief organizer received the ISO 20121 certificate from Jacques Matillon, Director for Bureau Veritas Certification France.

The ISO standard awards the sustainable development policy of COP21 that includes: 

1 - Guaranteeing a quality welcome (catering, transport, work rooms)

2 - Fostering responsible innovation

3 - Limiting the ecological footprint (promoting the circular economy, aiming for a carbon neutral event).

4 - Leaving a strong legacy for local communities and for the organizers of future COP meetings and the organization of future major national and international events in France.

The audit was carried out in three separate steps with a focus on three criteria:

  • Organization and planning

  • Preparation

  • Event good progress and the experience feedbacks (Return on Experience)

ISO 20121 certification objective is to support the organizers of events of all types in integrating sustainability with their activities.